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cumhuriyet ilkokulu, Turkey

Our school is situated in the one of the most beautiful parts of Istanbul. It consists of two  kindergarten groups (50 students of 5 years of age). There are 280 students in1st grades, 300 students in 2nd grades, 300 students in 3rd grades , 300 students in 4th grades. In total we have 1230 students - children between 5-9 years old who have 24 classrooms at their disposal. There are about 100 children whose families have insufficient economic situation because mainly due to unemployment. These children are supported by the district authorities. Parents often have to commute to remote places where they work and therefore they do not have enough time for their children. We also have some children are talented and children with special educational needs.

In our school with kindergarten group, there is a young, dynamic and open to innovations team of educators who cooperate with the  Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University professor of social projects who offers an ongoing support for program development.

We try to provide students with the environment in which they have an opportunity to develop themselves according to their personal abilities. We offer social, cultural and sports activities and we are interested in projects which allow for intercultural dialogue.

Our school is recognised for educational and training programs which take into account environmental factors for effective and efficient implementation. We aim at providing students with education which is appropriate for their needs and which is to develop their abilities in such a way as to enable them to meet the economic needs of the future. administrators, teachers, staff, children and parents form a cooperative environment in the region. This project is very important for our school because all partner countries will exchange their experiences and knowledge during a two-year cooperation.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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