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workshop meeting in portugal 

december, 2015

The agenda of the workshop visit


Project N.º 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016994_5

Activity C1 - International Short-term Joint Staff Training Events –

“Multimedia Technology in teaching”


Fajões, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal                                                   30 November - 6 December 2015



In terms of the Erasmus+ Program and the project N.º 2015-1-PL01-KA219-016994_5      “EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN LIFE” where the first workshop - Activity C1: International Short-Term Joint Staff Training Events - “Multimedia Technology in teaching” was held in Fajões, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal, from 30 November until 6 December 2015.

The main objective was to develop competences in teachers, in order to acquire skills to motivate children to learn using digital tools.

Thus, we developed several theme related workshops namely: techniques for taking pictures with a digital camera; techniques for video recording with a digital camera; basics of film editing; Vector art-drawing; Bitmaps-image processing; Using the flat-bed scanner to capture images and texts; multimedia presentations and Scratch: how to use it for educational purposes. We already had a lesson observation of the use of Scratch in a classroom with students.

In this activity we had project meetings, where all the partners presented their educational systems and the organisation of their schools; each delegation made presentations - “Festivals in my country: customs and traditions”; Gathering the worked-out results in order to be published on the portal, discussions on “Various festivals and traditions, a common Europe”, and discussions were also held, with conclusions, regarding project implementation and management and  planning next study and training visit.

During the activity, all the partners had a meeting with the Mayor of Oliveira de Azeméis and the Education representatives. They visited all the kindegartens (7) and primary schools (6) and secondary schools (2) of the school cluster of Fajões. They also assisted a "SOLIDARITY Evening" which occured in the school cluster of Fajões developed by it´s students to support families with economic needs. A visit to Porto City was also included in the activity agenda.

A few pictures from the meeting                                               

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