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New technologies in preschool education

All parts of the workshop were dedicated to new technologies and various tools which can be used in the preschool education. The participants got to know how to prepare different activities which then could be used with kindergarten children. Among others they practised preparing engaging slideshows using various animation and transition effect which my accompany storytelling. They learnt how to prepare infographics and different posters using openly licensed materials such as: Canva ( ) or Piktochart ( ) They also learnt to prepare simple quizzes (colour-coded) using Kahoot ( ) or simple games and quizzes using LearningApps ( ). The participants got to know the AutoDraw website ( ) using which teachers can doodle and the site will change their doodles into actual pictures which later can be used as colouring pages or flashcards.

All teachers participating in the workshops improved their IT skills in the area of using new technologies for preparing teaching aids or activities. They also got to know and started using websites which offer cliparts published under open licenses and therefore feel more confident using various resources found on the Internet.

All workshops were organised in such a way as to allow the participants to practise newly acquired skills. 

The Agenda of the meeting

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Except where otherwise stated, the pictures are either the property of the project team or were taken from the Public Domain, or are licensed under CC0.

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