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Headmaster of Cumhuriyet Primary School

She was born in Mersin in 1971. She was graduated Ağrı- Atatürk University Primary School Teacher Training Department in 1999. She worked as a teacher in Fatih Primary School - Bağcılar- İstanbul between 1999-2000 she worked as an assistant manager in Fatih Primary School between 2000-2002. Then she worked as a headmaster of Fatih Primary School between 2002-2010. She worked as a headmaster of Avcılar Seyit Onbasi Primary School between 2002-2014. She have been working as a headmaster of Cumhuriyet Primary School since 2014. She had several Projects even Commenius Projects or national projects. 

Serap Dalbudak- English Teacher


She was born in Erzurum in 1982. She was graduated İstanbul Marmara University English Teacher Training Department in 2006. She worked as a teacher in Batman Kayapinar CPL, Izmir Hereke Rifat Ilgaz Secondary School, Istanbul- Pendik 80. Yil NC High School, Ankara Sabahattin Zaim Teacher Training High School. She has been working Cumhuriyet Primary School since 2014.

Seval Turan Sezgin- Primary School Teacher


She was born in Balıkesir in 1983. She was graduated Bolu İzzet Baysal University in 2006- Primary Teacher Training Department. She worked in different state primary schools. She has been teaching in Cumhuriyet Primary School since 2004.

Zehra Çankaya - Preschool Teacher


She was born in Isparta in 1989. She was graduated Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Preschool Teacher Training Department in 2011. She has been teaching in Cumhuriyet Primary School for 3 years.

Seval Turan Sezgin- Primary School Teacher


She was born in Balıkesir in 1983. She was graduated Bolu İzzet Baysal University in 2006- Primary Teacher Training Department. She worked in different state primary schools. She has been teaching in Cumhuriyet Primary School since 2004.

Perihan Çetintaş- Primary School Teacher

She was born in Istanbul in 1979. She was graduated Tekirdağ University- Primary School Teacher Training department in 2001. She has been teaching in Cumhuriyet Primary School for 16 years.

Büşra Erkan- Primary School Teacher


She was born in Kütahya in 1989. She was graduated Sakarya University Primary School  Teacher Training department in 2008. She has ben teaching in Cumhuriyet Primary School for 8 years.

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