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Agrupamento de Fajões, Portugal

We are a public school cluster in the North of Portugal, district of Aveiro which is an area where there is high unemployment and there are a lot of families in a difficult financial situation.   Our school cluster has 10 kindergartens, 6 primary schools (1st to 4th grade), 2 elementary schools (5th grade to 9th grade) and one of the elementary schools also has secondary education (10th to 12th grade) as well as a vocational/professional education course (3 year course_Level 4). We have a TEIP program in progress. The program concentrates on the following: improving the quality of education to be reflected in the educational success of the students; fighting against indiscipline, early school leaving and absenteeism; creating conditions and educational guidance for a qualified transition from school to professional life; promoting coordination between educational institutions, social partners and training institutions.

Our priorities are: increasing learning skills from a very early age, promoting high levels of success, social skills and giving emphasis on school, family and community interaction. In this context we continuously develop various projects, which try to respond to the various community needs.












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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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