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Bogusława Kuśnierz


The principal of the kindergarten in Wręczyca Wielka, Poland. She his a qualified teacher with 31 years of professional experience. She has held the office of a principal for 14 years. She is a kindergarten teacher trainer and so far she has trained over 1000 kindergarten teachers. She trains the teachers in, for example, such fields as: pedagogy of play, She is a co-author of a

Dorota Wydrych


She is a qualified teacher with 27 years of professional experience. She is a kindergarten teacher working in an integrative group. She completed postgraduate studies in: Pedagogical Therapy with Integrative Teaching.

Dorota Krawczyk


She is a qualified teacher with 30 years of professional experience. She is a kindergarten teacher working with children at different age. 

Jolanta Strzybińska


She is a qualified teacher with 13 years of professional experience. She is a kindergarten teacher working children at different age levels. She is experienced in information technology. She completed postgraduate studies in: Oligophrenopedagogy.

Aleksandra Podobińska


She is a kindergarten teacher with 11 years of professional experience. She is a kindergarten teacher working with children at different ages. She completed postgraduate studies in: Phisioterpahy for children and teenagers. She is expeienced in drama matehod.

Ewelina Jagielska


She is a kindergarten teacher with 9 years of professional experience. She is a kindergarten teacher working with children at different ages. She completed postgraduate studies in: Corrective and Compensating Gymnastics. She is experienced in information technology.

national teaching programme for kindergarten education. She also is an author of the kindergarten innovation: "Integration in a kindergaten". She completed postgraduate studies in: Pedagogical Therapy with Integrative Teaching and Organisation and Managing of Educational Institutions. She is experienced in implementation of European project. 

Jolanta Rajca 


She is a qualified kindergarten teacher with 27 years of professional experience. She is an assistant teacher in the integartive group. She completed postgraduate studies in: Pedagogical Therapy with Integrative Teaching. 

Agata Machura


She is a qualified kindergarten teacher with 29 years of professional experience 2She wroks with children at different ages. She completed postgraduate studeis in: Pathology of bahaviours. 

Anna Langner


She is a kindergarten teacher. she completed postgraduate studies in Information teachnology and economics. 

Magdalena Wieczerzak


She is an English teacher in our kindergarten. She is a graduate of the Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa.  

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0) 


Except where otherwise stated, the pictures are either the property of the project team or were taken from the Public Domain, or are licensed under CC0.

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