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Ibolya Rüll

Mrs Ibolya Rüll is a qualified teacher of English, and Head of Anglophone School of English and Training Centre in Eger, Heves County, Hungary. As a former primary and secondary school teacher, later than a teacher in adult education, she has gained lots of knowledge and experience in teaching English as a Modern Foreign Language in Hungarian schools. She has always supported English language teaching, and has given professional help to teachers of English in the region, found partners for schools to take part in Comenius projects so that they would be able to work in an international environment for improving the level and quality of education in their schools, motivating the students for learning, strengthening their collaboration with the wider community

Ms Judit Pós is a qualified kindergarten teacher, Head of the Cluster of Kindergartens in the southern region of Eger, Heves County, Hungary. As a kindergarten teacher, later the Head of Ney Ferenc Kindergarten, she has gained lots of knowledge and experience in teaching young children, organizing, managing and developing early year education in nursery schools not only in Eger, but in the region, too.

and the parents, understanding cultural diversity and being able to accept the changes the world around us has been going on. She has been performing as an educational expert and consultant specializing in European and international work in primary schools, secondary schools and adult education.Mrs Rüll is working hard to make educationalists in Hungary understand the importance of Lifelong Learning, to motivate teachers to join in international projects to gain new experiences they can use in their classrooms. 

She has always been open up to new challenges kindergartens had to face during the past decades, so she has always taken part in in-service trainings to improve her knowledge. Now she works not only as a Head teacher, but she visits kindergartens, monitors and supervises work, gives professional help to teachers, ensures quality work in the institutions. She has always supported English language learning and teaching, so she contributed to starting English language workshops for the children and the teachers, as well.She has been interested in building international links with partner institutions abroad, so she tried to find partners for the Ney Ferenc Kindergarten to take part in

,Comenius projects later in Erasmus + projects, so that they would be able to work in an international environment for improving the level of the education in the kindergarten, motivating the children for learning, making early year education more attractive forparents and educationalists. This way she could strengthen their collaboration with the wider community and the parents.

Ms Judit Pós is convinced how important it is to work in an international environment, motivate teachers to join in international projects to gain new experience they can use in their everyday work.  

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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