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The project will be implemented by seven schools and Kindergartens  from: Spain, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Portugal, and Poland.

The main objective of the project is cooperation in the field of getting to know and implementing methods and forms developing children's basic skills such as reading, reading comprehension, writing, communicating with the use of diversity in European art. Participants will seek innovative solutions, new forms and methods of work which develop in children such features as openness, faith in their own abilities, entrepreneurship, self-esteem. Improving the quality of children’s education by gaining valuable practical experience and enhancing the professional profile of teachers will be extremely important. During the implementation of the project, teamwork and integration through the organization of conferences, lectures, workshops and classes will be promoted.

The project will contribute to improving the quality of kindergarten work, or to strengthening the professional profile of teachers, and it will have great importance as far as the development of children is concerned. Among others, it will influence: discovering children’s talents and interests that will be developed in later stages of education. Teachers will have the opportunity to acquire new skills and competencies during training meetings organized in European countries. They will also develop their competences in using English for communicative purposes.

The final result of the project will be:

  • the established portal "We share our experiences, we learn from each other" where all the developed results and best practices will be published together with all the Open Educational Resources created by the partners.

  • a supportive program to be used in artistic education of young children "We develop basic skills in small children through art."

All the developed results published in paper and online versions will be examples of good practices after the end of the project. They will be utilised by:

  • European kindergarten and school teachers;

  • employees of the teacher training centres; kindergarten education departments at European universities;

  • students of the kindergarten education and early school faculties at European universities.

"European development of the early childhoodeducation is the key to success in life"

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author,

and theCommission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC-BY 3.0) 


Except where otherwise stated, the pictures are either the property of the project team or were taken from the Public Domain, or are licensed under CC0.

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