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Przedszkole z oddziałem integracyjnym we Wreczycy-Wielkiej, Poland

Our kindergarten is a rural institution situated in the south-western part of Poland. It takes care of healthy children as well as disabled children and their families living around whole Wręczyca Wielka district. There are children with different disabilities in the integrated group. Among them tere are children with the Down's syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, autism and with various physical disabilities In our kindergarten, there are 109 children who learn and play in 5 kindergarten groups (4 groups have classes in the kindergarten in Wręczyca

Wielka and 1 group has classes in the Primary School inGrodzisko, which is a neighbouring village). The children are between 3-6 years of age. There are 12 teachers working in our kindergarten, including a speech therapist, motor therapist, special education teacher and a religion teacher. The kindergarten tries to ensure the bestconditions of development for all the children; therefore, it organizes speech-therapy, re-validation classes, corrective-compensatory classes, psychological classes and motor rehabilitation ones, as well.The children have an opportunity to participate in extra English and eurhythmics classes. Moreover, there are theatre and art workshops conducted by the teachers after the kindergarten working hours. There is the Social Committee for Children with

Disabilities and their Parents functioning in our kindergarten and its main goal is to support (also financially) children with special needs as well as their parents or guardians.

The auto-Evaluation has been conducted regularly for a few years in our institution. Its aim is to ensure the best quality of our kindergarten. According to the evaluation plan, we monitor the work of our teachers, achievements of the children, accomplishment of core kindergarten curriculum objectives and accomplishment of the programmes being implemented. The evaluation tools that have been created, including interview questionnaires for children, teachers and parents, observation sheets and survey questionnaires, allow us to specify the needs and strong points of our institution.

Our kindergarten cooperates with some institutions and organisations that conduct educational activities. For example, we cooperate with the District Cultural Centre in Wręczyca Wielka, Municipal Cultural Centre in Kłobuck, Social Welfare Centre, Self-Government Teacher Training Institute in Częstochowa, Regional Teacher Training Institute “WOM” in Częstochowa, District Sanitary-Epidemiological Station in Kłobuck, kindergartens and schools located in Wręczyca Wielka district, Częstochowa and Kłobuck.

Because of a very high unemployment rate, about 31% of parents are working abroad. Euroorphanage is one of the main causes of emotional and social disorders among children. In our local community, we have large families and single-parent ones, as well. Because of difficult financial situations of many families, social welfare and sponsors provide 27% of children in our kindergarten with meals and sets of textbooks and workbooks.

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